The Way of the Clan 7 Read online

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“What did you say, you bastard?”

  “No! I did not name her! To be honest - I did not know it was so important. Damn it…”

  “Ros,” the Baroness looked at me in a somehow special way, “You are a real…”

  In this moment, the door to the hall opened slightly - she did not have time to finish the phrase. Probably, for the best.

  “The tailor with apprentices,” quietly announced the “local” in velvet and silk.

  “Show them in,” nodded the Baroness. “We will dress the child.”

  “Not too showy,” I said timidly.

  “Playing dress up - a girl’s dream!” Said the Baroness. “You’d better think of the name immediately. Right now! Within five minutes, Ros! If you want, I can help.”

  “No, thank you!” I shuddered. “No! If Kira finds out that you gave my daughter a name…”

  “You act as though you live together, and eat spaghetti and meatballs from one plate!” The Baroness sniffed, throwing a sidelong glance at me.

  “What!” I grabbed at my heart as if in fright. “You say it, as though you wish me death! By the way…”


  “What country are you from anyway?” I narrowed my eyes with deliberate suspicion, and tightened my lips for effect. “Not ours, not ours… your words are interesting, as are your expressions. Last time when we were preparing to go to the Outland, you shouted to your brother - “Orbit! Mother of God!” - or something like that. Our people do not say that. And they rarely shout. As for the spaghetti and ls… we are simple people, we have an omelette sometimes, we love fried potatoes. And meatballs… rare, very rare... “

  “Right! Goddamn Sherlock Holmes of Valdira, having met Professor Moriarty! If you do not want to say, then do not.”

  “Just do not send Whisper to my home for real, please,” I said, from the bottom of my heart. “If I open my pantry and a see that there is a ninja eating my omelette… my sympathy will end there.”

  “You do not want to share?”

  “No, I just do not want him to make a mess on my carpet, given to me by Monsieur Jenoparle of Africa who lives on the snowy peaks.”

  “Just do not pretend to be a Swiss! You’re Russian, one hundred percent.”

  “I am not hiding that,” I shrugged.

  What was there to hide? Russia is huge. But any country becomes tiny if a potential foe knows your address. Mine is known by no one except relatives and security guards. Given my father’s confidence in the protection, one can safely conclude that they are wolfhounds who guard Kira and me. I stayed calm and continued to smile radiantly, and then inquired:

  “Already looking for me in real life, Baroness?”

  “What do you think?” Squinted the Baroness.

  “The hell you are,” I nodded. “Earnestly. What is a need to even think about? Oh well. Thank you for your honesty.”

  “The farther you go into the forest, the wider you need to wave the machete, Ros.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “On the contrary. Educating you. The farther into the forest - the thicker the trees, the more dangerous the animals. The vines and vegetation cause confusion, and obscure the vision. Therefore, it is time for us to go and find a clear field and to discuss everything directly.

  “Hell of a way to put it,” I swallowed involuntarily. “My brain nearly dislocated. But I understand the essence of it. I am tired too.”

  “Good. Let’s go in order, since we’re so nicely gathered here. Oh, and there’s the tailor. Go to that woman in a gray dress, darling… although, I can take her myself if you want. If you allow me.”

  “Dear,” I bent down to my daughter. “Go to that lady over there. She has prepared many beautiful outfits for you.”


  The child was clearly interested. She instantly rushed in that direction, dragging the baroness behind her. I poured myself some wine - damn it! I have become a digital alcoholic! Not an hour without a glass of wine! Stress is to blame. I settled comfortably on the elegant chair and hoisted my legs onto the carved mahogany tabletop. And how was I worse than bald elves and shaggy mammoths?

  It did not take long. The head of the Sleepless gave several orders, and my daughter was attended to by several masters at once. The lady in the gray dress commanded quietly, but her instructions were carried out with lightning speed. Reminded me of someone familiar…

  Chinese silks flew up and a multicolored cloth of sparkling matter. The shoemaker with a gray beard unrolled a pack of instruments on the nearest table, pushing aside a vase of bluish crystal.

  The Baroness sat opposite. Crossing her legs, she took a sip of Rose wine and frowned:

  “I drink too much.”

  “Exactly!” I jumped up. “Was just thinking so myself. I am drinking wine by the liters. Early in the morning…”

  “As the great actor said - champagne is drunk in the morning, or… well, it is not morning anymore. Ros, shall we talk? Directly? To clarify everything for the last time. Kirea the Protectress continues to rush along the shores of Naykal, and you have to do some of the work. I also got a couple of important things done today - even though I could lounge around on the couch with a book and no one would tell me a word - because this month I have done my duty as a clan leader for five stars. Not without your participation, by the way.”

  “I understand,” I nodded - and leaning forward, held out my glass. “Congratulations to the both of us.”


  With a light ringing, our glasses touched, and we drank, searching each other’s faces. I waited and, having correctly understood my silence, the Baroness continued:

  “So...the money and everything from the trek to the Outlands, you and your friends will receive in this very room tomorrow night. If you know what I mean.”

  Oh yes, I understood exactly what she meant. And I respected it. Such a celebration was extremely expensive. And the fireworks were to be so powerful that you could safely admire them from a distance, and without any optical instruments or special skills. The Sleepless were planning to celebrate the acquisition of the restaurant in a big way. And also to summon the envious whispers and jealous glances of other clans.

  “We already settled up about the spying,” the woman nodded over to my daughter. “Though it was arguable whether it was so much of a problem. But so what? Anyway, she is such a darling…”

  “Of course, a darling!” I smiled so proudly it was as though I was father in the real world. “Uh-huh, and we are settled for the spying and for the Outland.”

  “Now. Let us exchange answers. One condition - we have to answer honestly. Without lying.”

  “Let’s try,” I shrugged.

  “Will you join the Sleepless Clan fleet, Rosgard?”

  “Ninety five percent- yes,” I nodded instantly.

  “Huh,” the Baroness looked at me with extreme surprise. “I did not expect such a clear answer. I thought you, as always, were going to begin speaking and postpone the rest till later.”

  “There’s nowhere to put it off to,” I confessed. “And I know nothing about the fleets of the other clans. Roughly speaking, I have no idea where to go. And the case is such that I cannot even begin to sit down and understand the issue of whose fleet is better. Therefore, I would rather give you a very steep price with advance payments. Bargain in my favor.”

  “Well, why not 100 percent, but only ninety?”

  “So you do not relax,” I smiled broadly. “I am an unpredictable person. So keep grooming and cherishing me.”

  “Got it… grooming and cherishing… like caring for a hedgehog with poisonous needles… but I will try. Thank you for your answer. Your turn.”

  “Hm,” I began. I had somehow not thought of what exactly what to ask the Baroness. “Even a hedgehog like me understands that, in real life, you are searching for me. I do not believe you have not explored this. Well? How far have you advanced in your search?”

  “Hm… Not too far.”r />
  “Huh,” I nodded with relief. “Not too far, then…”

  “This is where they left off.” The Baroness lowered her hand to her waist, took out a notepad with a black cover from a small suede handbag, leafed through several pages and dropped it on the floor. “See for yourself.”

  A beam of light came from the open pages of the notebook and the top of it turned into a yellowish cloud. Then a film began - I froze in place.

  The action took place in Valdira, in some provincial park - clearly not Algora. I did not see the first speaker - it was from his eyes that the video was recorded.

  A girl. A human. Dressed sexily, with luxury… a deep cutout on the blouse does almost nothing to hide her breasts. The grotesquely too-thin waist. The lower part of her body is hidden by the table, over which the girl leans, looking at me with her enormous lilac eyes. Her hair is trimmed strangely - long strands are left in some places and in some, it is cut almost to the root. There are things woven into her hair - multi-colored threads, golden cuffs. Lots of makeup, huge golden rings and her fingers lined with stones. Pompous cheap stuff. Over her head hands the bright red nickname Lénolie Legros. An aggr. One hundred third level. Looks like a mage… or perhaps not. But I do not care how she looks, what her name and class is. What is important that are the words pronounced from her bright blue lips.

  “You understand,” said the speaker softly. “We cannot just take your word for it. More details, please.”

  “Okay…” With a weary sigh, Lénolie adjusts her dress, revealing her breasts even more. “I think it is him.”

  “Who’s he? Name, please.”

  “Rostislav. Rostislav Grokhotov. That is him in real life - and here in Valdira, he is called Rosgard. That black haired girl is Kirea the Protectress, and in real life, he calls her Kira. She said it herself to me - “I am Kira.””

  “Rostislav Grokhotov and Kira. And the surname of the girl?”

  “I do not know.”

  “Where did the meeting take place?”

  “In the city park.”

  “And your city is called?”

  “Listen dude, why are you grilling me? Rosgard is Rostislav Grokhotov! I am sure of it! Do you want more details? Then open the bag and start spreading the parts of the promised Emerald Swallow on the table! I will take them to my private room, and keep chatting! Do not forget to give me more gold! And jewellery!”

  “Everything is already being prepared,” the man said soothingly. “But understand - we must be sure. Rostislav is one person, and Rosgard is another. Why did you decide that this is the same person?”

  “You think I would not recognize him? All it took was about five videos! And by the third I realized that virtual Rosgard is the real Rostislav! The way he walks! How his head tips! How he holds his hands! How he always scratches the back of his neck - with all his fingers save for the middle one. As though he is constantly showing someone behind him the middle finger. And how he speaks! How he laughs! I know his movements and behavior by heart! Easy - there they are Rostislav and Kira, here they are Rosgard and Kirea. They do not bother with nicknames much, huh? Alright. Where the hell is my Emerald Swallow?”

  Frozen, I stared at the record to the very end. It did not make any sense to pretend - as soon as I heard the name Rostislav Grokhotov, I was shaken as by an electric shock. I did not expect it.

  “It is strange that you would show me such a record,” I said calmly as the “horror film” ended. “Is it not worth keeping your trump card in your sleeve?”

  “Lénolie Legros is corrupt and very greedy, at least in the World of Valdira,” smiled the Baroness. “She will sell this info to all clans and interested parties, as long as the information is true. It is information worth a full set of the Emerald Swallow. In the end, for the info, she will be lucky to receive even handful of copper coins. But for her, it is not bad. When the info disperses, everyone will know that the famous gaming legend is called Rostislav in real life. They will also know your city, your street, house, and apartment. However, no one knows that you are the Great Navigator yet. By the way, the Albatross clan head also lives in your city. Are you by chance neighbors? Hm?”

  Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

  “And also… interesting ex-wife. That… Lénolie Legros… Listen, Ros, you look like you want to go right now and call her up and confess the depth of your feelings for her.”

  “You’re reading my mind,” I said dully.

  “Right. Well, Rostislav, great to meet you again! My name is the Black Baroness.”

  “Won’t you tell me you real one?”

  “Nah,” sniffed the Baroness. “I won’t. And do not bet on stumbling upon someone who knows.”

  “And if I stumble upon your own brother?” I asked. “Won’t he tell me, in exchange for an invitation to another terribly interesting adventure? Hm?”

  “What do you want to know?!” Said the elf, peeking in from the hall. “What she looks like? Length width and height? In real life, her breasts are smaller! M-much smaller!”


  A huge table was hurled at the open door, the weight of it easily picked up and thrown by the girl. Orbit writhed, trying to break out of the trap before the fury of the Baroness reached him. The gods were on his side, and he managed to escape.

  “I am Rostislav,” I sighed at the back of the Baroness. “That’s right. And that’s an old address. I moved. About Kira - she has nothing to do with it. And I am very serious about that, Baroness. If you make inquiries about Kira-Kirea, or about my relatives, I will get very angry.”

  “I won’t bother asking what happens when you get angry,” the Baroness said, going back to her seat. “Then do not disappear, Ros. Be in touch so that I am not constantly trying to find the Great Navigator through his entourage. I am not a vicious creature - but sometimes, I have to be. And recently, I have had to be one more often. Is it worth even advising you about the moment your incognito act will be broken in the very near future, when all of Valdira will know your real name, and not only this?”

  “Do not bother,” I shook my head. “I can take care of myself and my family.”

  “Well then. I love independent and skillful men who know what to do and how to do it. Very much. Therefore, Ros - let’s get married, eh?”

  “O-o-oh!” The exclamation did not come from me, but from the door. It opened, and Orbit and Whisper literally crashed to the floor, obviously having overheard us. That is another indicator of the confidence the Baroness has in these two jesters - trust to the highest level. The shaggy trunk of the Kolyvan appeared in the doorway, and the iron knight fell again with a clang.

  “I think I misheard,” I admitted.

  “Marry me,” said the Baroness, blinking her eyelashes. “I will buy the rings.”

  “Now I heard, but do not understand,” I said, perplexed. “Just do not hang spaghetti on my ears and start singing about love.”

  “Sing, sing!” Said the anguished Orbit.

  “Yes,” croaked Whisper, lying beside him.

  “Quiet!” Said the Baroness, and the two jokers immediately crawled back. Kolyvan closed the door with his trunk. “Ros, you’re a man for sure, at least in real life. But in this case, I do not want to be the wife of the Great Navigator. I have enough glory. But I would not refuse becoming the mother of the future goddess.”

  “Frank,” I admitted, looking at my daughter, surrounded by three dressmakers. “Very frank…”

  “I told you - enough beating around the bush.”


  “I will make a very good mom,” she assured me. “And will do everything to ensure that my daughter gets to the top of mount Olympus. To be plain, Ros - I will not let Guorra get in the way. If she tries, I will tear out all of her limbs. You understand?”

  “I can see it already,” I reported. “Too bad I am a single father!”

  “And who is your Kirea, then? As soon as your daughter learns her name, she will begin to be keenly interested in he
r surroundings. She will ask questions - who is this auntie? And this one? If she asks about Kirea - what will you answer?”


  “So, just think about it, instead of refusing right off the bat. I will get the rings. And there is time to think about it, Ros, but it is not infinite. Do not forget, Ros - I can do much more for the goddess than the little paladin of the Albatross clan. By the way, give them a few works for me.”

  “What words?”

  “That only a degenerate could think of sending a powerful fighter as Kirea to rebirth! It was not worth it.”

  Even these facts have been compiled, I noted. Well, of course - you could not help but notice the loss of the Albatross’ coolest girl character at the same time as the appearance of another in the same class. Another coincidence, another cue, another puzzle. An easy comparison.

  “I studied the sacred scroll, learned the spell, and all the Albatrosses flew away to hell,” I explained.

  “It does not matter,” said the Baroness. “Losing such a fighter… she was their diamond among multicolored glass. You cannot imagine how many times she was offered bribes to go over to a different clan. But she refused everyone. She looks like a samurai, and has the same code of conduct.”

  “I will reeducate her,” I promised.

  “Up to you. As for getting married - think about it. Your turn. I asked you my question, though it was more of a proposal. Business… almost... Speak.”

  “Not a question - but I will ask you for something. I’d like to talk, right now, to your smartest mage, who knows everything about getting mana points more quickly and efficiently.”

  “Not enough for the unique spell?”

  “Not enough,” I said, not making an effort to hide the deplorable situation. “So if the mage can help me, I will be extremely pleased.”

  “Got it,” the Baroness nodded. “Okay. I sent the message - Malice will come soon. He operates with the most powerful and dangerous spells. Tell him about your current dilemma, and he will give you a multi page instruction manual. Also talk to our outfit specialist. He will provide you with equipment. One second, I will send out a couple of orders.”